From Inside to Outside: A Beginner’s Guide to Growing Marijuana Plants

Growing marijuana plants can be done in two main ways: inside your home or outside in nature. Each method has its own good and not-so-good points, so it’s important to think carefully about which one is best for the kind of cannabis you want to grow.

Sometimes, people choose to move their cannabis plants from one place to another, even though it might stress the plants out a bit. But actually, this can be a helpful solution to make sure the plants grow really well. There are times when moving the plants is a better choice than keeping them indoors all the time.

In this article, we’ll talk more about this way of growing plants. We’ll also give you some helpful tips and advice for switching cannabis from indoor to outdoor, no matter what the conditions are like.

Why Move Indoor-Grown Cannabis Plants Outside?

There are a few reasons why some growers choose to move their indoor-grown cannabis plants to an outdoor location:

Better growth: When switching cannabis from indoor to outdoor, it gets more space to grow. The roots can spread out freely, and the plant can become taller and produce more buds, leading to better overall growth.

Weather considerations: The environment plays a big role in how cannabis plants grow, but we can’t control the weather outside. In places where the weather changes with the seasons, cannabis plants may not do well in cold and very humid conditions. By starting indoors and switching cannabis from indoor to outdoor, growers can wait for more suitable weather conditions to ensure healthier plant growth.

Cost savings: Growing cannabis indoors can be expensive because you need special lights, nutrients, and ventilation. If you have limited funds, it can be easier and more cost-effective to grow your plants outside, where you can take advantage of natural sunlight and fewer equipment expenses.

In summary, relocating cannabis plants from indoors to outdoors can promote better growth, especially when the weather is favorable, and it can also help save money on indoor growing expenses.

When Should You Transplant?

Transferring cannabis plants requires careful consideration to ensure their well-being. Improper handling can lead to plant death, so it’s crucial to understand the proper procedure.

Here are some important points to keep in mind when moving cannabis plants:

Check the roots: The roots are essential for the plant’s survival. Ensure they are healthy and white before initiating the transfer.

Observe leaf count: Ideally, the plant should have around four to six leaves before being moved. However, this can vary depending on the specific cannabis plant variety.

Choose the right timing: It’s best to transfer the cannabis plant when it is in the growing phase but has not yet started producing flowers. This allows the plant to continue growing before transitioning into the flowering stage.

Starting an Indoor Planting Operation

To ensure successful cannabis cultivation, it is recommended to wait for approximately 45 days before moving the plants, depending on your specific situation. If you have a greenhouse, it’s best to begin growing your plants outdoors, utilizing natural sunlight. Later on, you can switch to artificial light, providing the plants with 16 to 18 hours of light exposure each day.

However, if you are growing cannabis indoors in a typical indoor setup, it’s advisable to extend the cultivation period to at least 60 days before transferring the plants outdoors.

Additionally, you can employ various techniques like pruning, trimming, or training to optimize sunlight absorption and improve the plants’ yield. It’s important to carry out these techniques with caution and precision to avoid mistakes or potential risks.

Preparing for the Move to the Outdoor Environment

Before you transfer your plants outside, there are important steps to take. Make sure you prepare properly:

Digging holes: Prepare the ground by digging holes where you will plant your cannabis. This helps provide enough space for the roots to grow.

Enriching the soil: Add essential nutrients to the soil to ensure healthy plant growth. This can be done by using fertilizers or compost.

Consider lighting and environment: Pay attention to the lighting and environmental conditions of the outdoor location. Choose a spot with sufficient sunlight and a stable, warm climate to prevent stress during the transfer.

Timing the transfer: Early to late spring is the most suitable time to move cannabis plants outdoors. This season is preferred because the weather is not too harsh, unlike in the summer. Transferring the plants during this period increases their chances of adapting and thriving in their new environment.

Preparing Your Cannabis Plants for Outdoor Growing

When transitioning your plants from indoors to outdoors, it’s crucial to be patient and handle them with care. Plants can become overwhelmed if the change is sudden, so it’s important to allow them to adjust gradually to their new environment.

Start in a shady spot: Initially, place your plants in a shaded area, such as under trees or in a tent. This provides them with some protection from direct sunlight and helps them acclimate slowly.

Gradually increase sunlight exposure: Over time, gradually expose your plants to more sunlight. This can be done by gradually moving them to sunnier locations or by removing the shading gradually. This allows the plants to adjust to the outdoor conditions at their own pace.

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